Happy Friday!
I hope you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have been enjoying all that the fall season has to offer!
We have had such a busy few weeks! I apologize for not updating the blog last week.
We are well on our way with our class blog. The students all know how to login to KidBlog and write/edit their posts. They have really enjoyed being bloggers and have written two posts each so far. They are encouraged to work on their blog posts at home if they do not finish them in the class time or want to improve their work. We will begin to add comments to each others blogs next week.
We have been participating in the Global Read Aloud where students all around the world participate in reading the same novel at the same time. We have been reading a novel called "A Boy Called Bat". We are all enjoying the novel and have been discussing and working with different writing elements as we go.
In math we are working on comparing and understanding representations of four digit numbers through a variety of tasks and activities. Ask your child to show you how to write a cheque!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
-Mrs. O'Connor